Sunday, February 7, 2016

Searching for Great Vlogs

I'm continuing my search for my brand identity, what platforms to use, and what format to use. The idea of creating a vlog pretty much terrifies me. I love watching them, but could never really see myself producing one. I'm an introvert. I have no real desire to put my face out there, in video format. It could have something to do with The Men With Clipboards.

I love instructional and inspiration vlogs. While I was looking for something new I found this guy, Will Paterson. He primarily posts on Youtube, on subjects that range from organization, to the process of designing a logo. They aren't too long, very well produced, and he always shares great content. YouTube is a great SNS for Vlogs. Everyone is familiar with the platform, and it's simple to navigate. You can find great tutorials, related content, and much to easy to spend hours wasting time.

The time management vlog Will posted got me really excited. I'm a production designer, and when things are busy at work, (which they are often) just trying to remember what to do, the order of importance, and that I need to eat is a complicated and stressful thing. In Will's vlog he shares that he also has difficulty getting organized and the app he uses to help. 

This website is beautiful. Their icons are beautiful, the layout is clean, simple and it's responsive!
I cant wait to use the todoist. 

I don't subscribe to many vlogs but after watching two videos from Will, I hit that subscribe button. 

Watch the How To Be More Organised  2016 video

If you have any great vlogs that you want to share please comment below.


1 comment:

  1. Elisha,
    Great posting! I welcome a fellow introvert into the world of social media lol. It can be daunting, but breaking out of your shell once in a while has its benefits - trust me :) Take baby steps, and you shall succeed. Time management has always been a thing of mine that I had to master years ago, as life pretty much dictates it. I feel that would be a great topic for you, as well as a brand to concentrate on. I look forward to seeing what you choose! -Mikele
